Wisdom Tree Hike Featured
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Los Angeles Hikes

Wisdom Tree Hike (+ Cahuenga Peak and Hollywood Sign)

  • 1.8 miles - Moderate Effort
  • Or: 3.2 miles, 4.2 miles
  • 1:30 Hours (Total)
  • 740 Total Feet of Climbing
  • Max Elevation of 1,690 feet
  • Leashed Dogs Allowed

The Wisdom Tree hike, one of the most popular in Los Angeles, offers a lot of bang for your hiking buck, right in the middle of Hollywood. The Wisdom Tree, the only tree to survive the 2007 Barham fire and a source of inspiration thousands, sits atop Burbank Peak, the highest peak at the end of Griffith Park. From the top you'll be able to soak in not only the good vibes of the Wisdom Tree but also sweeping views of LA and the mountains surrounding it. The hike is short but steep and is doable by most everyone.

In this Guide:
  • Parking, Hike Prep, and What to Expect
  • Hike Directions & Video to the Wisdom Tree
  • Optional Extension to Cahuenga Peak & Hollywood Sign
  • Optional Loop to Valley Overlook

I also have a few Wisdom Tree hike extensions in this guide that are worth your time.

How to Get to the Wisdom Tree

Okay, please read this section carefully because parking is tricky. The actual trail starts a short way up a paved road (Wonder View Drive), but you can't park on it. Some other online guides for the Wisdom Tree hike have the parking listed on Wonder View Drive, but there is no parking or thru-traffic there. Please be respectful of locals (and avoid a tow) by parking in the right place.

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 5
Locals on Wonder View Drive have these signs up for people driving to the wrong spot based on their GPS. If you are walking and have a personal GPS for the hike, this is not for you.

The good news is that there is plenty of free parking on Lake Hollywood Drive. Just park on the side of the road wherever there isn't a no-parking zone. Park as close to the top of the hill as possible.

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 2
Here is Lake Hollywood Drive. Park on the side of the road and walk to the trailhead.
Wisdom Tree Hike Parking
After parking on Lake Hollywood Drive, you walk up Wonder View Drive to the trailhead.

Use this trailhead address:
Lake Hollywood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90068

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 3
If you are taking an Uber, they should drop you off before Wonder View Drive at this sign.

There are no bathrooms at the trailhead or anywhere on the hike. There are porta-potties at the start of the nearby Lake Hollywood hike though.

Gear For the Hike

The good news is that you can get away with fitness clothing on this hike. But many sections are steep and rocky, so I'd recommend trail runners or hiking shoes. You can get away with sneakers in a pinch. And if you happen to have trekking poles, they'll help on the steep sections (up and down) as well. There's almost no shade, so protect yourself from the sun and bring 0.5L of water per hour of the hike.

Gear That I Love Right Now

Nothing is sponsored or promoted, just the actual gear that I use.

Gear Inreach Mini 2
Garmin InReach Mini 2Hit SOS or just tell loved ones that you're running late where your cell phone has no service.  Review here.
Gear Topo Pursuit
Topo Pursuit 2The best hiking footwear I've ever owned. No blisters. Get them wet, they dry quickly. Lots of cushion and comfort.
Gear Epix Pro Up Ahead
Garmin Epix ProHiking maps, route info, and fitness stats on my wrist. Review here.
Hikelite 26 Gear
Osprey Hikelite 26Lightweight, carries all your gear, and your back doesn't get sweaty. Oh yea, it's also one of the most inexpensive packs you can get.

Check out the complete list here. ( Updated July 2024)

Wisdom Tree Trail Maps

Overall the trails are in good condition and are easy follow, but it's not a wide and gradual trail like the hike to the Hollywood sign. That said, there are no dangerous sections; all the trails are solid and safe. Just watch your footing on the steep and rocky parts.

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Use This Map:
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Hike Landmarks (Full 4.2 Mile Loop)

Trail Start0.31120
Wisdom Tree0.91690
Cahuenga Peak1.21821
Hollywood Sign1.71709
Loop Junction2.21750
Valley Overlook31150

3D Map

Wisdom Tree Hike 3d Map
The initial hike basically goes straight up to the Wisdom Tree and Burbank Peak. If you continue to the Hollywood Sign, you'll have some ups and downs along the ridge. The loop back veers off the ridge for spectacular views into the valley, then loops back to the start.

What is the Wisdom Tree?

The Wisdom Tree
The Wisdom Tree has an interesting story, and it's worth knowing a few things before visiting.

The Wisdom Tree is a special being in a special place. Please treat it with respect. Don't touch it, carve into it, climb it, or break bark off. Please pick up any trash you see on the trail and bring it out.  A good piece of wisdom is to leave everything in better shape than you found it.

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 4
Head up the paved Wonder View Drive from the top of the parking area on Lake Hollywood Drive.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 7
Head up the paved street and be respectful of the locals.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 8
Even on this beginning stretch, the views are incredible.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 9
Head through the gate at the end of Wonder View Drive.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 10
Shortly after the gate you'll come to a big open area. The trail to Wisdom Tree is straight ahead to the right.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 11
At the beginning of the trail you'll see this trail sign from Griffith Park. We'll be heading up to Burbank Peak. The official trail name is the Burbank Peak Trail, but it's also known as the Wonder View Trail and the Wisdom Tree Trail.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 12
You'll see a commemorative plaque at the beginning of the trail. Head up the trail. Watch your footing; the trail is steep and bit rocky.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 13
Take your time, the trail is steep.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 14
After the first rocky section the trail turns to dirt and continues to climb.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 1
When you get to the switchback, make the hard left. Almost there.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 15
One last short steep section of trail.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 16
When you see the trail sign, make the hard left.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 17
The Wisdom Tree! You made it!
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 18
There's also a USA flag at the summit.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 20
Feel free to peruse the words of wisdom or add your own.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 19
Please treat the tree with care. Some parts of the branches might be covered for protection and restoration.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 21
From Burbank Peak you can see the tower on top of Mt Lee, just behind the Hollywood Sign.

If that's all you want to do, you simply hike back down the way you came up. This hike on its own is beautiful and a great adventure. But if you want to continue onto the optional extensions, keep reading.

Cahuenga Peak and Hollywood Sign Extension

With just a little more trail time you can hit the highest peak in Griffith Park, Cahuenga Peak, and then Mt Lee, which is perched behind the Hollywood Sign. Doing an out and back to the Hollywood Sign is 3.2 miles total (about 2 hours total time).

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 22
Head back the way you came. You'll be hiking over the ridges in front of you to the tower in the distance.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 23
When you get to the trail sign, instead of making the right on the trail you came up on, go straight.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 24
The trail is small but easy to follow. This is the Aileen Getty Ridge Trail, named after one of the donors that helped save this land from developers.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 25
Avoid the side trail to the left and go straight.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 26
When you get to the second trail on the left, keep going straight to the peak. The trail on the left is the loop trail. If you just want to do the loop trail, turn here and pick up the directions later. If you are doing the Hollywood Sign and the loop trail, you'll turn down here on the way back.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 27
Keep hiking up the trail to the peak.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 28
You'll get some great views of Mt Wilson, Echo Mountain, and Inspiration Point.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 29
Here you are, Cahuenga Peak, the highest point in Griffith Park at 1,821 feet.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 30
Continue towards Mt Lee.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 31
This stretch of trail is a bit rugged with some ups and downs. It's a real "trail trail" though.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 32
You'll be able to see the trail unfurling in front of you. Make your way along the dramatic ups and downs.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 33
As you get closer to Mt Lee you'll start to see some fencing and the back of the Hollywood Sign. Keep going!
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 34
When you reach Mt Lee Drive, make the right and continue on the paved road.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 35
Head up the road behind the Hollywood Sign letters.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 36
When you see the radio towers, make the hard left before the fence.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 37
Climb up the little path to the Mt Lee summit.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 38
Here you are, on the summit! It's rare that you'll see no one else here though. I got lucky.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 39
From here you can get great views from behind the Hollywood Sign looking out over LA.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 40
Once you're done at the Hollywood Sign, head back along the ridge the way you came. You'll have some ups and downs but it's not as bad as it looks.

Valley Overlook Loop Extension

From the Hollywood Sign you can go back the way you came, or you can add a mile on and do a loop trail that offers sweeping views of the San Fernando Valley and mountains around LA. The loop will bring you back to the start of the hike without going up the way you went down. Adding the loop makes the hike 4.2 miles total (2-3 hours total hike time).

Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 41
When you get back to the loop junction trail that I mentioned a few steps ago, head on down it. It's a small trail but it's a trail.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 42
The trail can be a little overgrown but it's easy to follow.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 44
You'll reach the first plateau that has some sweeping views. The trail continues straight.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 45
These downhill sections can be steep. Just take your time and watch your footing.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 46
Down to your right will be Forest Lawn Cemetery, final resting place of Carrie Fisher, Bette Davis, and many of Hollywood's famous names.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 47
When you get to Valley Overlook, take in the views and continue straight.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 48
Below you'll see the trail unwind along the ridgeline.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 49
This area of the park hasn't recovered much from the 2007 Barham fire. The white buildings down to the right are Warner Brothers Studios.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 50
The last section down is steep.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 51
When you arrive at the trail junction, make the hard left on the wider trail.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 52
After the narrow section of trail you just finished, this wide and gentle section will feel great. Continue up the trail.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 53
This section of the trail is beautiful as it gently winds along the valley.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 54
The trail winds away from the valley and by some power lines.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 55
And soon you'll arrive at a gate. Pass around to the right.
Wisdom Tree Hike Directions 56
And boom, here you are back where you started! Head down Wonder View Drive to the parking area and that's it.

Need More Info?

This Guide Was Written by Cris Hazzard

Cris Hazzard 4 Mile Trail Yosemite
Hi, I'm Cris Hazzard, aka Hiking Guy, a professional outdoors guide, hiking expert, and author based in Southern California. I created this website to share all the great hikes I do with everyone else out there. This site is different because it gives detailed directions that even the beginning hiker can follow. I also share what hiking gear works and doesn't so you don't waste money. I don't do sponsored or promoted content; I share only the gear recommendations, hikes, and tips that I would with my family and friends. If you like the website and YouTube channel, please support these free guides (I couldn't do it without folks like you!). You can stay up to date with my new guides by following me on YouTube, Instagram, or by subscribing to my monthly newsletter.