Tahquitz Peak Featured
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Los Angeles Hikes

Tahquitz Peak via Devil's Slide Trail Hike

  • 8.5 miles - Hard Effort
  • Or: 11.5 miles in optional loop
  • 3.5-4.5 Hours (Total)
  • 2,350 Total Feet of Climbing
  • Max Elevation of 8,846 feet
  • Leashed Dogs Allowed

The Tahquitz Peak via Devil's Slide Trail hike is one of the most popular hikes in the San Jacinto area for a reason. The scenery and views are incredible, the trails are in excellent condition and are well-marked, and the summit includes a visit to the highest fire lookout in San Bernardino National Forest at 8,846 feet. Because of its popularity, there are times when you need to apply for a permit and other times that you don't. I'll explain it all in the guide.

In this Guide:
  • Turn by Turn Hike Directions & Hike Video
  • Getting Devil's Slide Trail Permit
  • Tahquitz Peak via Devil's Slide Trail Hike Trail Maps
  • How to Get to the Devil's Slide Trail Trailhead

How to Get to the Devil's Slide Trail

The hike starts and ends in Humber Park, which is also where the start of the Devil's Slide Trail is located. Humber Park is in the small town of Idyllwild, which is a nice spot for lunch or walking around after the hike. You'll also have to stop at the ranger station to get your permit before starting the hike, but luckily it's on the way to the trailhead (more later).

Use this address for Humber Park:
Humber Park, 24559 Fern Valley Rd, Idyllwild, CA 92549

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There are some road signs pointing the way on the streets between the ranger station and Humber Park. The windy backroads of Idyllwild can be tricky.
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You need a national parks pass or adventure pass to park at the trailhead.
Parking At Humber Park
Drive all the way through the park to the last (upper) parking area, just next to the bathrooms. It's the closest to the trailhead. Parking can be hard to get later in the day.
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There are primitive bathrooms by the trailhead.

As always, I recommend leaving at sunrise to beat the crowds.

Devil's Slide Trail Permit

Before you go anywhere on this hike, you'll need to get a permit. The Devil's Slide Trail is the most popular trail in this part of the park, so the park service sometimes controls access to it with a daily quota of 30 hikers. It can be very easy or slightly less easy depending on when you're doing the hike.

Getting a Devil's Slide Trail Quota Permit

If you do need a quota permit, here's what you need to do:

OR if you want to plan in advance:

It might just be easier to do it on a weekday or outside of the summer months, right? If you can't get a permit and you want to hike to the fire tower on a quota day, drive to the South Ridge Trailhead and hike up from there.

Rangers actively check quota permits at the Devil's Slide Trailhead on summer weekends.

Getting a Free Day-Use Permit

The good news is that the ranger station is on the way to Humber Park, and if you just need a free day-use permit, you simply fill a form out at the kiosk in front of the entrance. The ranger station doesn't need to be open to fill out a permit. You just fill out the form, sign it, and drop it in the box.

Tahquitz Peak Via Devils Slide Trail 1
The San Jacinto Ranger Station is easy to find; it's in the middle of downtown Idyllwild and on the way to the trailhead.
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The self-service permit kiosk is right in front of the entrance. Fill out the day-use permit, put a copy in the box, and carry a copy with you.
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If you're hiking the Devil's Slide Trail on a summer weekend, you need a permit first, you can't just fill one out here.

Gear for the Hike

This is a tough mountain hike even though it's not long. In the summer it can be very hot, in the winter icy and cold. I bring 2L of water, 3L if it's hot or if I'm doing the full loop option. There's a decent amount of shade and only some very small spring crossings. If trekking poles help you on climbs and descents, they will come in handy on this hike.

If there are winter conditions, call the ranger station for a gut check on whether it's okay without mountaineering gear. Sometimes there is enough snow up there that it's not advisable to do the hike.

If you want to check if there's snow on your hike, read this guide.

Gear That I Love Right Now

Nothing is sponsored or promoted, just the actual gear that I use.

Gear Inreach Mini 2
Garmin InReach Mini 2Hit SOS or just tell loved ones that you're running late where your cell phone has no service.  Review here.
Gear Topo Pursuit
Topo Pursuit 2The best hiking footwear I've ever owned. No blisters. Get them wet, they dry quickly. Lots of cushion and comfort.
Gear Epix Pro Up Ahead
Garmin Epix ProHiking maps, route info, and fitness stats on my wrist. Review here.
Hikelite 26 Gear
Osprey Hikelite 26Lightweight, carries all your gear, and your back doesn't get sweaty. Oh yea, it's also one of the most inexpensive packs you can get.

Check out the complete list here. ( Updated July 2024)

Tahquitz Peak Trail Maps

This route to Tahquitz Peak takes the Devil's Slide Trail up to Saddle Junction, then follows a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), and then branches off the PCT to the peak and fire tower. The entire trail is beautiful, and doing it as an out-and-back route is a good choice that jam-packed with scenery and views.

I also included an optional loop trail that takes you to the peak on the Devil's Slide Trail, and then brings you back down on the South Ridge Trail to Idyllwild, and then up the Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail to Humber Park. I'm a loop-trail kind of guy, and I generally do the hike this way.

I've included both options in the map below and in the GPX and printable maps.

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Use This Map:
View in CalTopo | PDF Map | GPX File

Tahquitz Peak Hike Elevation
It's pretty much a straight shot to the peak, with the beginning a little steeper than the second half.
Tahquitz Peak Loop 3d Map
The (red) Devil's Slide Trail winds up to Saddle Junction, then makes its way to the peak. If you take the optional (purple) South Ridge Trail back, you'll do a nice loop that brings you back to Humber Park.

There's also this handy park service trail map that lays out the trails nicely.

Hike Briefing

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As you approach the peak, you'll see evidence of the 2018 Cranston Fire, which was started by an arsonist.

Tahquitz Peak via Devil's Slide Trail Directions

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The Devil's Slide Trail trailhead is easy to spot at the far end of the parking lot. Make sure you read any notices on the board.
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Shortly after the start, you'll pass the San Jacinto Wilderness sign which is a popular photo spot.

What is a Wilderness Area?

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And shortly after that another sign reminding you to make smart choices in this wilderness area.
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And then you go up. And you go up some more. The trail is definitely uphill, but has switchbacks and is a manageable climb.
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Soon you'll have nice views of Tahquitz Rock / Lily Rock, the popular rock climbing spot. You'll also be able to see west to Temecula and the Palomar Mountains. If you see a white dome in the distance, it's the Palomar Observatory.
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Keep hiking up the 2.5 miles of Devil's Slide Trail. The views are great and there are a ton of places to stop, catch your breath, and soak it all in.
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The trail will ease up a bit as you approach Saddle Junction. At the junction you're going to make the hard right onto the PCT.
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Once you turn at the junction, take the trail all the way to the right, which is the PCT. There are trails in a few directions at Saddle Junction. The junction is well marked, but people steal signs, so who knows what you'll see.
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This part of the climb on the PCT is uphill but not as tough as the Devil's Slide Trail, with rolling sections through mountain pine trees.
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The trees thin out and you hike up a little more. You'll have views into the Coachella Valley to the left.
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When you reach this junction at Chinquapin Flat, you're going to make the hard right and leave the PCT.
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Here's a closeup of the sign at that junction (facing backward from the direction of your travel). Again, you're leaving the PCT and making the hard right toward Tahquitz Peak.
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Once you make the right, head over the ridge. There are smaller side trails in the area where folks have camped at Chinquapin Flat.
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After that little ridge the main trail is easy to spot straight ahead.
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This portion of the trail is spectacular with Marion Mountain and San Jacinto in the distance.
Tahquitz From Wellman
Here's what it looks like where you are now from the mountain in the last shot. This is Tahquitz.
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When you come to the trail leading off to the left, take it to continue up to the fire tower.
Tahqutiz Summit Route
Here's the turn to the summit. If you continue on the loop option, you follow the purple arrow after the summit.
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Here's a closeup of the sign at that junction.
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Head a short way up the trail to the fire tower.
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Ta-da! There it is, the Tahquitz Peak fire tower.
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You can climb up the stairs (5 at a time) and take in the views and the interior. If there's a volunteer there, they'll also (generally) say hello and answer any questions that you might have. In this picture you can see where the Cranston Fire ended on the ridge (fire damage on right).
Tahquitz Peak Fire Station Nterior
Here's what the interior of the fire tower looks like. Cozy!
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Once you've had your fill of the summit, you can go back down the way you came, or continue on the loop hike.

Optional Loop Hike on South Ridge Trail

If you don't want to go back down the way you came up, follow these directions for the full loop, which adds another 3 miles and an hour or so to the hike.

Full Loop Elevation
The optional loop descends on the South Ridge Trail, then has a gradual uphill on the Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail at the end.
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When you get back to the junction where you climbed to the fire tower, make the left turn towards Idyllwild.
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The South Ridge Trail descends for a while on some switchbacks.
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Eventually the trail levels out on a ridge for a short stretch.
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There's a minor uphill after a flat area where you can see evidence of some camping.
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And then you continue to descend toward Idyllwild.
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At the end of the descent you'll come to a dirt road. Head straight on the dirt road, Forest Road 5S17. There are some parking areas on the left.
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You'll follow the dirt road as it heads downhill toward the streets of Idyllwild.
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There are some spurs coming into the main road. Just go down following the main road.
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There are also several yellow-post camping sites on the left and right as you go down. Continue on the main road. If you'd like to camp for free, these yellow-post sites are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
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When you get to Tahquitz View Drive, make the right and hike for a few minutes on the street.
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After a short while you'll reach the Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail off to the right. Look for the sign and the trail, then hike up above the road.
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You'll see a sign at the start of the Ernie Maxwell Trail.
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The Ernie Maxwell Trail is easy to follow, pleasant, and nice and shady. The climb is gradual and mellow, lasting about 2.6 miles to Humber Park.
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Toward the end of the trail, avoid the "climber's route" to the right and continue straight.
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Eventually you'll emerge back at the lower parking lot at Humber Park. Walk back to your car and that's the loop!

Need More Info?

This Guide Was Written by Cris Hazzard

Cris Hazzard 4 Mile Trail Yosemite
Hi, I'm Cris Hazzard, aka Hiking Guy, a professional outdoors guide, hiking expert, and author based in Southern California. I created this website to share all the great hikes I do with everyone else out there. This site is different because it gives detailed directions that even the beginning hiker can follow. I also share what hiking gear works and doesn't so you don't waste money. I don't do sponsored or promoted content; I share only the gear recommendations, hikes, and tips that I would with my family and friends. If you like the website and YouTube channel, please support these free guides (I couldn't do it without folks like you!). You can stay up to date with my new guides by following me on YouTube, Instagram, or by subscribing to my monthly newsletter.